
Resolution of the Second International Olympic Committee World Conference on Women and Sport

The resolution, adopted in 2000, calls for a number of strategies and actions to be taken by the International Olympic Committee, Governments and international organizations, including the United Nations system, such as:

• Meeting the 20 per cent goal of women in decision-making by 2005;

• Increasing scholarships and training for women athletes, coaches and
other officials;

• Raising awareness about the positive influence of the Convention on
the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women on the
development of physical activity and sport for women and girls;

• Urging the Commission on the Status of Women to recognize the impor­
tance of physical activity and sport to women's and girls' development
at all stages of their lives;

• Raising awareness about the importance of quality physical education;

• Developing strategies and educational material to support physical edu­
cation for girls;

• Implementing sexual harassment policies, including codes of conduct;

• Working with the media to ensure a more accurate projection of wom­
en's sport.

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