
The Brighton Declaration on Women and Sport

The Brighton Declaration on Women and Sport calls for:

• Equality in society and sport;

• Sport facilities that meet the needs of women;

• An increase in the number of women coaches, advisers and decision-
makers in sport;

• Education, training and development programmes that address gender

• Information and research on women and sport;

• Allocation of resources for sportswomen and women's programmes;

• Incorporation of the promotion of gender equality and sharing of good
practices into governmental and non-governmental policies and pro­
grammes on women and sport.

adopted at the Third IWG World Con­ference in Montreal, Canada, in 2002, which recognized that the path to real­izing these broader goals involves a

variety of actions, including information and advocacy campaigns and the inte­gration of sport into community devel­opment projects.29 The Fourth IWG

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