
Physical Activity

In addition to the energy used for BMR and digestion, you must account for the energy expended during your daily activities. Based on your usual daily level of activity, estimate your activity factor from the choices in Table 1-1.

Table 1-1. Estimate Your Activity Factor

Level of Activity Activity Factor

w .... Seated and standing activities, driving, playing 1 o

Very Light cards, computer work. 1 .2

.... Walking, sailing, bowling, light stretching, golf, 1 . 4

" woodworking, playing pool.

Jogging, aerobic dance, light swimming, biking, 1 fi

calisthenics, carrying a load. 1.6

Stairmaster, ski machine, racquet sports,

Strenuous running, soccer, basketball, obstacle course, 1.9

digging, carrying a load uphill, rowing.

Ex tional Running or swimming races, cycling uphill, hard 2 3

p rowing, carrying heavy loads.

Your Activity Factor is .

Total Daily Estimated Energy Requirement

To calculate your total daily estimated energy requirements (EER), you multiply the kcals needed for your BMR and digestion (Worksheet 1-1), by your physical activity factor (Table 1-1).

Worksheet 1-2. Calculate Your Estimated Energy

Requirement (EER)

Energy Needs =

BMR *Activity Factor
Your Estimated Energy Requirement (EER) =_______ kcal/day.

*Your BMR is calculated in Worksheet 1-1. The Activity Factor is from Table 1-1.

This EER is the amount of kcals you need to eat daily to have an energy balance of "zero" and maintain your current body weight. If you restrict the number of kcals you eat per day, your BMR will decrease because your body will sense that it is being "starved". If your goal is to lose weight, you should lower your caloric intake only slightly and engage in a well rounded exercise program. Your goal should be to lose 1/2 - 1 lbs. per week. If you are losing more weight than this, you are losing water and lean tissue (muscle).

If you want to gain weight, your goal should be to gain 1/2 - 1 lbs. per week. The objective is to gain lean mass, not fat. Exercise routinely, including strength training, and increase your caloric intake by using the Food Guide Pyramid guidelines (discussed in Chapter 3). Also, eat healthy snacks between meals.

If you have specific questions about weight management and kcal requirements, consult the Navy Nutrition and Weight Control Self-Study Guide (NAVPERS 15602A at http://www-nehc.med.navy.mil and http:// www.bupers.navy.mil/services under "Navy Nutrition and Weight Control), or talk to a Registered Dietitian, your Command Fitness Coordinator, or your primary health care provider.

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