
Basal Metabolic Rate

Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the amount of energy required to maintain life such as breathing, beating of the heart, and maintaining body temperature. This accounts for the majority (~70%) of the total daily kcals expended. BMR can be estimated by using the equations in Worksheet 1-1. Find the equation that is appropriate for you and calculate your BMR.

Worksheet 1-1. Calculate Your BMR

Equations to Calculate BMR (kcal/day)

Age (years): Equation:

Men: 18-30 6.95 x body weight (lbs.) + 679

30-60 5.27 x body weight (lbs.) + 879

Women: 18-30 6.68 x body weight (lbs.) + 496

30-60 3.95 x body weight (lbs.) + 829

Your BMR is



The body must work to digest food. However, the energy needed for digestion is only a small amount and has been accounted for in the BMR equations in Worksheet 1-1.

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