
CHO for Endurance Training


The endurance capacity of an individual on a high-CHO diet is approximately 3 times greater than on a high-fat diet. When CHO intake is low, several days of rigorous training will result in a gradual depletion of muscle glycogen stores and eventually impair performance. The guidelines for CHO intake while training are:

60 - 65% of your total daily kcal intake.

Worksheet 11-1. Calculate Your Daily CHO Needs






kcal from CHO per day.

Your EER*





kcal from CHO per day.

Your EER* You should




kcals from CHO daily.

* Your estimated energy requirement (EER) was calculated in Chapter 1, Worksheet 1 -2. To calculate grams of CHO see Worksheet 2-1.

Keep a dietary log for a few days to see if your CHO intake is adequate.


CHO Loading/Glycogen Supercompensation

CHO Loading is a regimen that combines diet and exercise to "pack" more glycogen into muscle and liver (Figure 11-1). It is used by endurance athletes to optimize physical performance during prolonged endurance events. CHO loading causes temporary weight gain (2.7 grams of water are stored with every gram of glycogen). The extra weight may impair performance. CHO loading is unnecessary for individuals who eat according to

the dietary guidelines outlined in Chapter 3 and whose CHO intakes are within the range calculated in Worksheet 11-1.

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