These light-weight balls are becoming very popular in fitness centers and are excellent for abdominal, lower back, stability, and stretching exercises. The goal in resistance ball training is to keep your balance and stability while performing exercises on the ball, which acts as an unstable base. Resistance balls are typically 18 to 30 inches in diameter and cost about $30. Purchase a resistance ball that when you sit on it after it is fully inflated, your thighs are parallel to the deck. In addition, when you purchase these balls, you get a video of various exercises and routines. One drawback is that you need access to an air pump because, if the ball is kept inflated, it can take up a lot of storage space.
Strength Exercises
Table 10-1 shows exercises that can be performed using resistance tubing (bands) and balls. When performing elastic tubing exercises, you can use a partner, instead of an anchor, to secure the tubing during your exercise. Just be sure your partner holds the tubing at the appropriate height and distance from you (and doesn't let go!). When using the resistance bands, it is important to anchor them properly. Some examples are shown in Figure 10-1.
Figure 10-1. Anchoring Elastic Tubing
1. Wrap the band around the top and sides of both feet, then pull the handles up through the middle of your feet. This type of wrap is useful for anchoring the band during rowing exercises.
2. a. Using the 1 ft. elastic loop, sit down and place your right foot on the middle of the loop, b. Wrap the right end of the tubing over your foot, с Pull the left end of the tubing up through the right end of the tubing loop.
d. Take the left end of the tubing loop and wrap it around your left foot. This type of anchor is useful for leg lifts and leg curls.
Table 10-1. Exercises to Perform in Confined Spaces
Bent-Over Row with Band
Grab one end of the band in each hand. Step on the middle of the band with your left foot, step back 2 ft. with your right foot. Bend forward slightly at the waist, keep your shoulders and hips facing forward. Count 1: Lift both hands from your thighs to your waist. This should take 2 seconds. Pause for 1 second. Count 2: Return hands to thigh level in 4 seconds. Keep your elbows close to your body throughout the exercise. Works the back and biceps muscles.
Lat Pulldown with Band
Secure the middle of the band to a fixed object
above your head. Grasp one handle in each
hand. Facing the anchor, step back 1 foot and
kneel. Arms should be extended above head.
Count 1: Pull hands down to shoulder height in
front of your head, keeping chest and head up.
Back should remain straight. Press your
shoulder blades together in the middle of your
back as you pull your arms down. This should
take 2 seconds. Pause 1 second. Count 2:
Return to start position in 4 seconds. Variation:
may need to use the tubing loop instead of a band for adequate
Seated Row with Band
Sit on deck with legs extended, knees slightly bent. Place the center of the band under your feet. Count 1: With arms extended at chest level and hands over knees, bend your elbows and pull your hands back to each side of your chest. This should take 2 seconds. Pause 1 second. Count 2; Return to start position in 4 seconds. Works back and biceps.
Lower Back on Ball
Kneel beside resistance ball, lay your
chest on top of the ball, place your
hands in front of the ball. Extend your
legs so only your feet are on the deck
and walk forward, rolling the ball back
closer to your hips. Place your hands
behind your back. Count 1: Keep your back straight and raise
your torso up off the ball until your back is extended. Count 2:
Return to the start position. Try to keep ball steady during
exercise. Works the lower back. Similar to prone back
extension performed on the deck. Variations: Can do all the
same extension exercises as on the deck.
Abdominal Crunch with Band
Anchor the middle of the band above your head. Kneel 1 ft. in front of the anchor, and grasp both ends of the band in your hands. Place your hands palms down on your shoulders. Count 1: Pull your rib cage down closer to your hips. This should take 2 seconds. Pause 1 second. Keep your hips and legs still. Count 2: Return to the start position in 4 seconds.
Abdominal Crunch on Ball
Sit on ball, slowly walk feet away from ball
as you lie back on to the ball. Ball should
be underneath your midback. Place your
hands behind your head. Count 1: Pull
your rib cage closer to your hips. Count 2:
Return to the start position. Try to keep
ball steady during exercise. Works the
abdominals. Variations: Use a towel under your lower back
instead of the ball; perform side crunches on the ball to target
the obliques.
Table 10-1. Exercises to Perform in Confined Spaces |
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Chest Fly with Band
Sit on the deck with your left leg straight and
your right leg bent, with your right foot
touching your left thigh. Hold one handle of
the band in each hand. Wrap the band under
your left heel, about 1/3 the length of the
band down from your left hand. Keep your
back straight, head up, and shoulders back.
Place your right hand on the deck by your
right knee. Straighten your left arm so that
your elbow is only slightly bent and raise your
arm in front of you to chest level. Count 1:
Slowly pull your upper left arm across your
chest without bending your elbow; this
should take 2 seconds. Pause for 1 second.
Count 2: Return to the start position in 4 seconds. Your torso and hips
should not move during this exercise. Works your chest
muscles.Variations: a) perform this standing or kneeling by anchoring
the band to a stationary object at chest height; b) lie on your back on a
bench and use dumbbells; c) have a partner push (manual resistance)
against your upper arms as you do the exercise.
Chest Press with Band
Wrap the band at shoulder height around a bench
that is wider than shoulder-width (or secure with
two anchors). Keep your back straight, shoulders
down and head up. Grip one end of the band in
each hand, and place your hands on each side of
your chest. Count 1: Extend arms straight in front
of you at chest height, do not lock your elbows;
this should take 2 seconds. Pause for 1 second.
Count 2: Return to the start position in 4 seconds.
Works your chest, shoulders, and
triceps.Variations: a) have a partner hold the band in both hands,
keeping his hands at your shoulder height and wider than your
shoulder-width; b) lie on back on a bench and use dumbbells; c)
have a partner provide manual resistance against your hands as you
perform a press.
Incline Press with Band
Grab one end of the band in each
hand. Step on the band with your
right foot, step your left foot through
the band and forward 2 ft. Bring your
hands to your shoulders with your
palms facing forward. Count 1:
Extend your arms up and forward in
front; your hands should be in front of
and a little higher than your forehead.
This should take 2 seconds. Pause
for 1 second. Count 2: Return to start
position. Works the chest and shoulders. Variations: a) for
more resistance, use a second tube and place it under your
front foot; b) for less resistance, anchor the tube to a stationary
object at waist height, step forward 2 ft. and perform the
Biceps Curl with Band
Grab one end of the band in each hand. Step on the band with your left foot, step your right foot through the band and forward 2 ft. Count 1: With hands at sides and palms up, bring your palms to your shoulders. This should take 2 seconds. Pause for 1 second. Count 2: Return to start position. Works the biceps. Variations: a) for more resistance, use a second tube (as shown) and place it under your front foot); b) use dumbbells; c) have a partner pull against your lower arm during the curl.
Table 10-1. Exercises to Perform in Confined Spaces
Triceps Extension with Band
Stand with feet hip distance apart, knees
slightly bent. Grab one end of the band in
your right hand and place it over your right
shoulder. Your right elbow should be
beside your head and the band should be
dangling down your back. Reach around
your back with your left hand and grab the
other end of the band with your left hand.
Place your left hand on your low back.
Count 1: Extend your right arm straight
above your head, keeping your left hand
still and your right elbow close to your head. Do not lock your right
elbow. This should take 2 seconds. Pause 1 second. Count 2:
Return to the start position in 4 seconds. Works the right triceps.
Switch arms to work the left triceps.Variations: a) if you have a long
piece of tubing, grab the middle of the tubing (instead of the end)
with your left hand; b) use dumbbells.
Triceps Kickback with Band
Grab one end of the band in each hand.
Step on the middle of the band with your
left foot, step back 2 ft. with your right
foot. Bend forward slightly at the waist,
keep your shoulders and hips facing
forward. Place your left hand on your left
thigh for support. Pull your right hand up
to your right hip, keeping your right elbow
close to your body. Count 1: Straighten
your lower right arm behind your back without lifting your elbow. This
should take 2 seconds. Pause 1 second. Count 2: Return to the start
position in 4 seconds. Works the right triceps. Switch to work the left
triceps. Variations: a) use dumbbells; b) have a partner push against
your lower arm during the lift.
Lateral Raise with Band
Grab one end of the band in each hand.
Stand on middle of the band, feet
shoulder-width apart, knees slightly
bent. With arms at sides, bend elbows
90°. Count 1: raise your upper arms to
each side until your elbow (still bent
90°) is level with your shoulder. This
should take 2 seconds. Pause 1
second. Count 2: Return to start
position in 4 seconds. Keep your elbow
bent during the lift. Works the
shoulders. Variations: a) for more resistance, use 2 bands,
stand on only one band with each foot, hold one end of each
band in each hand; b) use dumbbells; c) have a partner push
down against your upper arms as you lift; d) increase the
difficulty of the exercise by straightening your elbow.
Upright Rows with Band
Stand on the middle of the band, feet
shoulder-width apart, knees slightly
bent. Cross ends of band in front of you
and grasp one end of the band in each
hand, palms facing back. Count 1: With
arms extended and hands together at
the center of your body, pull elbows up
and back to the level of your shoulders.
Your arms should form a "V". This
should take 2 seconds. Pause 1
second. Count 2: Return to start
position in 4 seconds. Do not arch your
back during the lift. Works the front of the shoulders. Variations:
a) for more resistance, use 2 bands, stand on only one band
with each foot, hold one end of each band in each hand; b) use
Table 10-1. Exercises to Perform in Confined Spaces |
Reverse Fly with Band
Anchor the middle of the band at chest height.
Facing the anchor, step back 4-5 ft. Grab one end
of the band in each hand. Extend your arms straight
in front of you at chest level, elbows slightly bent.
Count 1: Pull your upper arms out to each side
without bending your elbows any more. This should
take 2 seconds. Pause 1 second. Count 2: Return
to the start position in 4 seconds. Works the back of
the shoulders. Variations: a) kneel on one knee,
bend at the waist, rest chest on opposite thigh, and
use dumbbells or have a partner push against your upper arms.
Lunge with Band
Grab one end of the band in each hand.
Step on the middle of the band with your left
foot, step your right foot through the band
and beside your left foot. Bring hands up to
shoulders, palms facing forward. Band
should be behind your arms. Count 1: Take
a large step forward with your right foot,
keep your back straight and head up. Count
2: Squat straight down, dropping your left
knee, until your right knee is over your right
ankle. Count 3: Lift up. Count 4: Push off
your right foot to return to the start position. Works the leg muscles.
Switch sides. Variation: a) for more resistance, use a second tube and
place it under your front foot; b) on Count 1, step to the left or right
instead of straight ahead; c) use dumbbells.
Leg Curl with Band
Wrap one end of the tubing loop around your right foot. Hook the other end on your left foot. Lie on your stomach with both legs extended. Count 1: Lift your left heel up toward your buttocks, keeping your right knee and hips flat on the deck. This should take 2 seconds. Pause 1 second. Count 2: Lower your leg to the start position in 4 seconds. Works the hamstrings.
Leg Lifts with Band
Anchor the band at shin height. Wrap the band
around your left ankle and, facing the anchor,
step back 3 ft. Place feet side by side and point
your left foot up. Place your hand on the wall for
support and slightly bend your right knee.
Count 1: Keeping your left leg extended, pull
your left ankle back 1 -2 ft. This should take 2
seconds. Pause for 1 second. Count 2: Return
to start position in 4 seconds. Switch legs.
Works hamstring and gluteal muscles.
Variations: a) to work inner and outer thighs
and hip flexors, change the position of your body so you pull
against the band in all four directions (front, back, and two
sides); b) lie down and use ankle weights.
Squat with Band
Grasp one handle in each hand, step
on the band with feet hip-width apart,
knees slightly bent. Bring hands up to
shoulders, palms facing forward.
Band should be behind your arms.
Count 1: Slowly squat down; look
forward, keeping your shoulders back,
chest and head up. Squat until your
knees are above your toes. This
should take 2 seconds. Pause 1
second. Count 2: Return to the start
position in 4 seconds. Works the quadriceps and gluteals.
Wall Squat with Ball
Stand against a flat wall, place both feet 2 ft. from the wall hip distance apart. Place a small ball between your knees. Count 1: Slide down the wall until your knees are over your feet and squeeze the ball between your knees. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Count 2: Return to the