
Policy/normative frameworks on women, gender equality and sport

"States parties shall take all appro­priate measures to eliminate discrim­ination against women in other areas of economic and social life in order to ensure, on a basis of equality of women and men, the same rights, in particular . . . [t]he rights to partici­pate in recreational activities, sports and all aspects of cultural life."

—Convention on the Elimination

of All Forms of Discrimination

against Women (article 13)

Within the established framework of human rights and sport for develop­ment and peace, a number of United Nations intergovernmental and treaty body processes, as well as other inter­national and regional processes, have specifically addressed some of the critical gender equality issues in sport and physical education. Global and regional policy/normative frameworks on women, gender equality and sport have been developed.

These policy/normative frameworks have laid the foundation for a just and equitable world of sport for women and men. They have also recognized the power of sport as a catalyst for social and economic development. Imple-

mentation of these commitments has begun in all regions, and has resulted in real and tangible progress for gen­der equality and the empowerment of women and girls. However, the imple­mentation of the frameworks continues to be constrained by gender-based dis­crimination in all areas and at all levels of sport and physical education.

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