
Energy From CHO

1 gram of I y CHO shoi

CHO supplies 4 kcal. should supply 55-60% of your total daily kcals.


One fig newton has 10 grams of CHO and provides a total of 60 kcals. The kcals from CHO and the percent of total kcals from CHO are:

4 kcal X 10 grams = 40 kcal from CHO.

Example 2:

A woman eats 2,000 kcals per day. How many kcals should be from CHO? How many grams of CHO should she eat per day?

2,000 kcal x 55%=1,100 kcal from CHO.

40 ÷ 60 = 0.67 = 67% of energy from CHO. 1,100 kcal ÷ 4 kcal per gram = 275 grams CHO. .

Based on your estimated energy requirement (EER) calculated in Chapter 1, how many of your kcals should come from CHO? How many grams of CHO should you eat each day?

Force Health Protection:

Worksheet 2-1. Calculate Your CHO Requirements

x 0.55 =__________ kcal from CHO per day.

Your EER

-r 4 kcal per gram =________ grams CHO per day.

kcal from CHO


Proteins are found in meat, fish, poultry and dairy foods. Beans and grains also provide proteins but in smaller amounts than animal foods. All proteins are made of various amino acids that are joined together. There are 20 different amino acids. Nine of these are called essential amino acids because the body cannot make them, so they must be obtained from the diet.

Proteins are used in the body to:

♦ Form muscle, hair, nails, skin, and other tissues.

♦ Provide energy.

♦ Repair injuries.

♦ Carry fats, vitamins and minerals to different parts of the body.

♦ Contract muscle.

♦ Serve a structural role for every part of the body.
Energy from Proteins

[ t\ 1 gram of protein supplies 4 kcal (the same as CHO). |

I r Proteins should supply 10-15% of your total daily kcals. j



One large hard boiled egg provides 78 kcal and contains 6 grams of proteins. Therefore, kcal from proteins are 4 kcal/gram x 6 grams = 24 kcal of energy from proteins.

Your protein needs are determined by your age, body weight, and activity level. Most people eat 100 to 200 g of proteins each day, which is more protein than is actually needed by the body. Many people eat high-protein foods

Nutrition and Exercise Resource Manual

because they think that proteins make them grow "bigger and stronger". Actually, these excess kcals from proteins can be converted to fat and stored. Although proteins provide energy, they should not be the main dietary source of energy. High-protein intakes also increase fluid needs and may be dehydrating if fluid needs are not met (see "Water" on page 17 and Chapter 12). In addition, high-protein intakes put the kidneys under great strain in order to get rid of all the breakdown products.

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