

Dehydration results when fluid losses exceed fluid intake. Conditions that can lead to dehydration include:

♦ Not drinking enough fluids daily.

♦ Working or exercising in a hot environment - wet or dry.

♦ Working or exercising in a cold environment - wet or dry.

♦ Going to high altitudes.

♦ Drinking too much alcohol or exercising with a hangover.

If 4% of your body weight is lost through fluid losses, decision-making, concentration, and physical work are impaired. A loss of 20% of body water can result in death (see Figure 2-1).

Figure 2-1. Symptoms of Dehydration


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0% Feeling great!

1% Feeling thirsty.

2% Increasing thirst, feeling uncomfortable.

3% Dry mouth, blood and urine volumes down.

4% Feeling sick, performance reduced.

5% Feeling sleepy, headache, can't concentrate.

20% Death.

clip_image004clip_image005Worksheet 2-5. Calculate Your Water Loss Limit

clip_image006A 2% loss in body weight due to fluid loss equals:

_________________ x 0.98 = lbs.

(Your body weight)

Goal: Always stay above this weight!

Chapter 3 outlines the dietary guidelines which apply the information discussed throughout this chapter to every day dietary practices and food choices.

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