

Because of the high level of immune system competence in late childhood, these children have an immunologic advantage over earlier years. Respiratory infections are the leading cause of illness at this time, followed by gastro­intestinal disorders. The chief cause of mortality is acci­dents, primarily motor vehicle accidents. Immunization against the major communicable diseases of childhood has greatly improved the health of children in their early childhood years.

Health promotion includes appropriate dental care. The incidence of dental caries has decreased since the ad­dition of fluoride to most water systems in the United States. There is a high incidence of dental caries during late childhood that is related to inadequate dental care and a high amount of dietary sugar. Children at the early part of this stage may not be as effective in brushing their teeth and may require adult assistance, but they may be reluc­tant to allow parental help.

Infections with bacterial and fungal agents are a com­mon problem in childhood. These infections commonly occur as respiratory, gastrointestinal, or skin diseases. In­fections of the skin occur more frequently in this age group than in any other age group, probably related to in­creased exposure to skin lesions. Other acute or chronic health problems may surface for the first time. Asthma, caused by allergic reactions, frequently manifests for the first time during the early school years. Epilepsy also may be first diagnosed during this period. Many childhood can­cers also may appear. Developmental disabilities or spe­cific learning disabilities may become apparent as the child enters school.

clip_image001In summary, early school years to late childhood is defined as that period from beginning school through adolescence. During these 6 years, growth is steady but much slower than in the previous periods. Entry into school begins the formation of relationships with peers and has a major impact on psy­chological development. This is a wonderful period of rela­tively good health secondary to an immunologic advantage, but respiratory disease poses a leading cause of illness, and motor vehicle accidents are the major cause of death. Several chronic health problems, such as asthma, epilepsy, and child­hood cancers, may surface during this time.

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