

I want to thank the librarians at the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre for their untiring diligence in obtaining reference material for me - Cathy Maclean, Christine Penn, and Susan Rolleston. Thank you to my editor Sarah Lloyd for taking a chance on this book. And thanks go to the Rev. Grace McBride, Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre, Dr. Diana Koszycki, University of Ottawa Faculty of Education, and Dr. Jacques Bradwejn, University of Ottawa Faculty of Medicine, for their support for research on spirituality and mental health.

Some of the chapters contain portions of previously published work, as detailed below. I wish to thank the copyright holders for permission to reproduce this material.

A portion of Chapter 1 was first published as "Psychiatry," in D. Leeming (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion (NY: Springer, 2009). Reprinted with permission of The Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion.

A portion of Chapter 2 was first published as "Creativity and Transcendence in the Work of Marion Milner," American Imago 57/2 (2000): 185-214. © The Johns Hopkins University Press. Reprinted with permission of the Johns Hopkins University Press.

A portion of Chapter 2 was first published as "Mysticism and Mental Health in the Work of Marion Milner," Mental Health, Religion and Culture All (2001): 193-208. Reprinted with permission of Mental Health, Religion and Culture (http: informaworld.com).

Portions of Chapters 2 and 3 were first published as "Mysticism, Creativity, and Psychoanalysis: Learning From Marion Milner," The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion 13/2 (2003): 79-96. Reprinted with permission of The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion.

A portion of Chapter 4 was first published as "Fostering Hope in a Psychiatric Hospital," in J.L. Hochheimer (Ed.), Hope: Probing the Boundaries (Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2009). Reprinted with permission oflnter-Disciplinary.net.

A portion of Chapter 5 was first published as "Manic Depression and Religious Experience: The Use of Religion in Therapyr,"Mental Health, Religion and Culture 10/5 (2007): 473^87. Reprinted with permission of Mental Health, Religion and Culture (http:informaworld.com).

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