
I Am Over 50 Will Teeth Whitening Work For Me?

When we reach 50 sometimes we feel some things do not work the same for us like teeth whitening and in fact very rarely the teeth cannot be whitened irrelevant of age.

One fact is true is that the teeth get stained over a period of time and when we reach a certain age we become more aware of the colour of our teeth. For some this might a picture of them when they were younger or watching someone a similar age on TV can make them feel very aware of their teeth and how stained they have become over a period of time.

This is exactly what teeth whitening will successfully target is the type of staining to the teeth that occurs over a long period of time opposed to a sudden change in colour where there could be an underlying issue with the dentin which sits underneath the enamel of the teeth.

Whitening will look to remove the staining which resides in the enamel and as long as this has not gone too deep or in fact penetrated the enamel then no matter what age you then the staining is likely to be removed and reveal a white cleaner set of teeth making you look younger in the process.

When looking at the teeth it is difficult to predict how exactly white the teeth will change because it is unknown whether the teeth have changed because you have staining in the enamel or you have discoloured dentin. This is evident when you are in your early twenties because if you had very white teeth then you will have whiter coloured dentin. However if the teeth were yellow when you were twenty and the teeth were a similar colour then the chances are dentin is influencing the colour of the teeth not staining caused by every items like tea drinking or cola as examples.

Also for mature people looking to have their teeth whitened it is best to keep your expectations to a realistic level. Ending up with teeth like Tom Cruise or Cheryl Cole is unlikely as most people on TV and celebrities in general will have veneers which are a lot whiter than most of our teeth even after numerous whitening treatments!

However finishing with a whiter but more natural smile is realistic and achievable by many people in their fifties after having whitening which can make the smile look healthy and take years off your age.

Deciding the best system and product to use is the next step with lots of advantages and disadvantages for both tray based and light based systems. But the main considerations are price, how likely they are to work for your type of staining and lastly what is the chances of getting sensitivity. With anyone who does get sensitivity during or after whitening this can last up to 72 hours but then disappears so is very short term.

Whatever you choose always see your dentist first and get their advice on systems etc. So whatever your age you are never too old for a new smile.

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