
Chocolate Brownies (20 Servings]




EGG WHITE, CHICKEN, RAW - fresh 2 large

HONEY - honey 1/2 cup

IsoPure Chocolate 1.5 carb 200 grams

MILK, COW'S, NONFAT (SKIM) - fluid w/o added Vit-A 1/2 cup

Natural Peanut Butter (Smucker's) - Creamy 1 cup

Oatmeal, Old Fashioned - 100% Whole Grain 2 Cups


We used IsoPure here mostly because I had some. Sub with your favorite chocolate protein powder and adjust the number accordingiy.Mix the pb and honey in a bowl, microwave on full for 100 sees. Add the rest and mix together. This is tough to mix and it takes time. If you don't have the tools you may want to cut the oatmeal a bit to make it easier to work.Preheat oven to 320 deg. Smooth into 13x9 tray bake for 20 minutes. Oven times may vary, use the toothpick test. Cut into 20 equal bars and wrap and store in fridge These portions are what we did for portion control but can be modified however.

Nutritional Information (Per Serving)

Calories :170

Protein (g) :12

Carbohydrates (g) :15

Fat (g) : 7

Carb - Protein - Fat % Ratio: 36-28-37

Miscle Recipes

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